Kampot & Kep Province Feb 2017

During February 2017 the PPAWS Veterinary team and volunteers did a four day and three night trip to Kampot Town and on to Kep and the surrounding province.

We worked directly with concerned animal lovers in Kampot to treat their pets and stray animals in the town. We also had the very unfortunate job of having to euthanize a stray dog with a badly damaged back from a road accident.

Traveling on to Kep and surrounds, our team again provided medical care to pet owners as well as, tried to generally help with the stray dog and cat populations too.

The pictures below show our Vets and student helper working in these locations where, in total, we cared for close to 30 dogs and cats throughout the trip, performing de-sexing, de-worming, vaccinating and, giving other general medical aid.

Thanks to everyone that supported this mission to Kampoot and Kep Province, especially all the kind animal lovers who helped advertise we were coming!